To God Be The Glory

September 28, 2007

Step Out of the Box

September 4, 2007

newlifeinchrist1.jpgI just want to encourage you my friends that whatever creativity you have been gifted with let God use it, don’t hold back.

I never knew how creative I was until my world collapsed and I needed to find an outlet. I went to art school back in 2003/04, the irony being that it was my embroidery that stood out to the art teacher that enabled me to get on the course in the first place. ( now embroider butterflies, but already after the second I sense God is taking my needle and creating what He wants).

It was the most awful year and yet the most exhillerating too!  All my artistic work (a lot of painting at the time because it was quick),  was fueled by my anger at that time because of the abuse I was suffering. Sometimes I would paint in the dark just to see what it looked liked in the morning. I regret to say that a lot of the work I threw away because of the way I felt about myself.

Letting people see your creativity is almost letting them see your soul and the pain that goes with it.

Well the year is now 2007 and I’ve just built (with the help of directions) a web site and put a small part of my poetry, the odd diary note, letter and articles. Designing it with all the colour schemes I found so wonderfully creative and organising all my colours.

A year ago I would not have even tacked such a task and I didn’t realise how much poetry I had written until I looked the other night…. enough to write a book actually. I thinking of doing that and think I will based on my confidence in building this site…. will take my time though.

What I want to say is keep all your artistic endeavours, dedicate them to God for His Glory and don’t throw them away like I did.  Don’t be afraid to ‘step out of your box’ and try new creative things because it’s so a part of who you are.

I reluctantly shared this because I am so used to sharing my depression and not my joy, so balance is at last starting to emerge into my life and staying, which after 45years is something good.

God Bless xx Jacqui xx

(the wings are starting to flutter!!!)